Pepper Sweet Rainbow Bell Blend
Christopher Columbus is credited with discovering peppers, which are indigenous to South America, but we take full credit for putting this excellent pack of seeds together. The Rainbow Bell Blend of open-pollinated sweet bell peppers includes lemon, orange, red, and purple colours. You can thank us later.
Although referred to as a vegetable, the pepper is actually a fruit. These can be harvested young (at their green stage) but are sweeter and tastier when fully ripe. Stuff them, use in fajitas, slice up for salads – whatever you’re cooking, these peppers will make it better. Except cake. (But no judgment if that’s what you want to try).
Sow in spring and summer, min temp 20C
Sow in full sun: 2-3 plants per container or 40 x 40cm in the ground
Seeds will germinate in 10-14 days and grow to 35-45cm
Harvest in 110-120 days