Eggplant Rosa Bianca
Looks aren’t everything, but they sure make eating your veggies easier. This Italian heirloom is popular due to its interesting colour, which ranges from a rosy lavender to cream hue. Pick ’em when the seeds are still soft and light in colour – i.e. slightly immature – for maximum personality. (By personality we mean flavour).
This plant’s fruits are produced in abundance. With a mild flavour and creamy flesh, Rosa Bianca is basically the whole package. For our vegan/vegetarian friends (hey guys!), this variety has been described as “meaty.” It’s also extremely versatile and a favourite for cooking eggplant parmigiana.
Sow in spring and summer, min temp 20C
Sow in full sun, space plants 45 x 60 cm
Seeds will germinate in 7-14 days and grow 45-60cm
Harvest in 70-80 days